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What Is Bowen Therapy?

woman in grey tshirt getting bowen therapyBowen therapy (also known as the Bowen technique) is a holistic, remedial treatment used to relieve pain and promote healing. The gentle, relaxing and non-invasive therapy works on the body’s superficial and deep fascia (the connective tissue that envelops and separates every organ and tissue).

Similar to many other natural modalities, Bowen therapy addresses the whole person, concentrating on the root cause of a condition versus just the symptoms. Bowen addresses imbalances in the body’s energetic and facial systems and has been effectively used to manage a wide range of issues. Because Bowen resets the body, it can then heal itself.

What to Expect

During a Bowen session, our therapist Don Woodcock will make a sequence of gentle, rolling moves with his thumbs and fingers at varying pressures at specific areas on the body. These cross-fibre manipulations are intended to stimulate the fascia associated with muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Rest assured that no forceful joint manipulations are used, and muscular pressure is adapted to your comfort level. Patients of any age who have a musculoskeletal or related neurological condition can receive Bowen therapy.

A session typically lasts between 30 minutes and one hour and can be applied through a layer of light clothing. No oils are used and you can remain dressed. During treatment, Don may pause for brief periods to allow your body to respond before starting the next movement sequence. To support positive outcomes, it’s beneficial to increase your water intake after your session.

Who Can Benefit?

Here are some conditions that are commonly seen by a Bowen therapist:

  • Pain associated with musculoskeletal or neurological issues (acute or chronic)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Sports or traumatic injuries
  • General joint pain
  • Back and neck pain
  • Sciatica, leg and foot pain
  • Frozen shoulder, arm pain and carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Jaw pain (temporomandibular joint dysfunction)
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Asthma

If you don’t have a chronic or long-standing condition or repeat injury, you may get relief after a single session. Typically, patients experience significant improvement or recovery within three sessions. Some conditions may require additional treatments, and you should see a doctor if your symptoms do not resolve.

Contact us today to book an appointment!

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