A Naturopath is a person who treats sick people using Naturopathy, which is a system that uses natural methods for the treatment of diseases in the mind and body.
A professional Naturopath is trained in a wide range of natural healing modalities, to help a patient regain and then maintain optimal health.
Each of these modalities are stand alone natural therapies, and a well trained Naturopath will use one or several treatment options to meet the needs of each individual patient.
Some of these modalities include:
• Aromatherapy……….the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for healing and cosmetic purposes
• Herbal medicine……..natural remedies and medicines made from plant extracts
• Homeopathy………..a system of complementary medicine in which ailments are treated by minute doses of natural substances that in larger amounts would produce symptoms of the ailment
• Hypnotherapy……..the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique
• Iridology……..alternative medicine investigative technique, by examination of the iris of the eye • Nutrition……..the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition in humans
• Therapeutic massage…….. this can be both stimulating or soothing, and helps to create inner balance and harmony and is excellent for the treatment of muscle, ligament or tendon injuries.
Often Naturopathic care can complement today’s modern medicine and therefore it needs to be understood that choosing Naturopathic care is not about choosing between modern pharmaceutical medicine and Naturopathy, as both treatment options can play a role in your overall well being.
Local Naturopath In Perth Clinic
The dedicated team at the Naturopathic Clinic focus on improving your overall well being with a variety of natural medicine and treatment programs, providing support through illness as well as helping you to maintain your better health and well being.
If you have been feeling a little out of sorts or constantly tired and lethargic, you need to consider taking advantage of a free health assessment with one of the experienced practitioners at the Pure Health Clinic.
This free health assessment is a thirty-minute session, after which you will receive a written detailed report along with any recommendations from your Naturopath.
Valued at $70, there is no cost to you or obligation for further sessions.
Contact us today on (08) 9378 2774 to book your free health assessment.
** **Conditions apply. Offer entitles one person to a single assessment on one day (subject to appointment availability). Available for individual assessment only and fair use policy applies. Multiple family members are subject to negotiation.